The OCT permits us to diagnose many eye conditions, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and various retinal an macular issues.
A visual field test is an eye examination that can detect dysfunction in central and peripheral vision which may be caused by various medical conditions such as glaucoma, stroke, pituitary disease, brain tumours or other neurological deficits

Corneal topography, also known as photokeratoscopy or videokeratography, is a non-invasive medical imaging technique for mapping the anterior curvature of the cornea, the outer structure of the eye. Since the cornea is normally responsible for some 70% of the eye's refractive power,[1] its topography is of critical importance in determining the quality of vision and corneal health.

Auto refractometer
What is an Auto Refractometer? An auto refractometer is a device used in optometry to measure the refractive error of the eye. It is an automated instrument that measures the eye’s refractive power. It provides objective measurements of the eye’s prescription for glasses or contact lenses. The auto refractometer uses advanced technology to accurately measure the eye’s focusing ability. It determines the appropriate corrective lenses needed for clear vision.

Yag Capsulotomy
YAG laser capsulotomy is surgery to help you see clearly after cataract surgery. You may need this surgery because months or years after cataract surgery, your vision may get fuzzy again.
Diabetic lasers
Laser treatment involves shining a laser into your eyes – you'll be given local anaesthetic drops to numb your eyes; eye drops are used to widen your pupils and special contact lenses are used to hold your eyelids open and focus the laser onto your retina. normally takes around 20 to 40 minutes.

Yag PI
YAG laser iridotomy (YAG PI) is a laser treatment to prevent angle closure glaucoma in eyes that are at risk from it. YAG PI is a safe, non-invasive outpatient procedure and one eye at a time, or both eyes can be treated at the same sitting.